Girl Surprises Mom's Partner With Invite To Daddy Daughter Dance | Happily TV

2022-02-18 2

A man was brought to tears when his long-term partner’s daughter invited him to her school’s daddy daughter dance - and he then pulled off the perfect evening. When Marissa Ostendorf’s four-year-old daughter Nevaeh came home from school with a note about the daddy daughter dance, she knew she wanted to invite mom’s boyfriend Tylor West. Marissa, from Texas, wanted to make sure this was a special moment for family, so took her to buy a teddy bear before Nevaeh proudly asked Tylor if she’d attend the dance with him. Tylor, who works nights at his local sheriff’s department and looks after Nevaeh, and his two kids Grayson and Athena during the day, drops to his knees and brings Nevaeh in for a hug. Marissa revealed Tylor was set on making sure the evening was perfect and even went outside to ring the doorbell to pick Nevaeh up as well as bringing flowers. Adorable video also shows him twirling Nevaeh at the dance with the pair wearing huge smiles.